Mention the areas of work introducing public management.

Mention the areas of work introducing public management.

Public management is the act of identifying, managing, mobilizing and controlling public resources for the promotion of public interest.

Public management is a concept developed to meet the challenges of contemporary public administration in the 21st century, such as changes in the role of government, liberalization, globalization, market economy, etc.

Public management is the latest form of improved public administration that has internalized the good qualities of the private and business sectors. Public management refers to the aggregation of government-led private, non-governmental and community sector operations for the public good and the management of international relations.

This is a concept that has been introduced in the 80's as an alternative to traditional public administration, especially as the conservative ideas and principles of traditional public administration have been weakening and public administration has not been achievable and effective due to its structure, working methods, scope of work and attitude.

Scope of public management

Nowadays, a system of managing public affairs has been established in partnership with the government, private sector, non-governmental sector and community sector. Similarly, global governance, local autonomy and the development of information and communication technology seem to have broadened the scope of public management. In this context, considering the concepts of governance, good governance and public service, the scope of public management as a whole can be mentioned as follows:

A) Policy management

. Technical and expert assistance in policy making

. Policy drafting

. Policy analysis and implementation

B) Regulation management

. Drafting and approval of rules and regulations

. Dissemination and implementation

. Monitoring, facilitation and control

C) Service management

. Direct service flow from the government and management of necessary resources

. Determining standards for services flowing from other sectors, market monitoring and promotion of fair competition

. Partnership service flow and social operations

D) Development management

. Planning, program, project construction

.Resource management and implementation

. Good governance promotion and mass mobilization

. Regulation of development work conducted by other parties

E) Budget management

. Technical and expert assistance and drafting for the budget

. Resource identification, projection and maintenance,

. Budget implementation, monitoring and evaluation

F) Organization management

. Determining organizational structure, procedures and criteria

. Direction, operation and control

. Formation or modification as required

G) Security management

. Physical Security Management: Freedom from Fear and Risk

. Man-made security arrangements: Social security and protection

H) Management of justice system

. Establishment of rule of law and just society

. Judgment and operation of the penal system

I) Management of international relations

. Promotion of national interest through diplomatic management

. Operation and guidance of diplomatic missions

The above mentioned issues have the scope of public management and also its scope of human resource management and information and technology management.


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