2. What is meant by organizational development? Discuss important aspects of organizational development.

2. What is meant by organizational development? Discuss important aspects of organizational development.

Organizational development is the process of making positive changes in economic, business and resource resources as per the need. As the organization is a dynamic, relative and objective tool, it should be continuously improved and modified as per the needs of the country. In order for any organization to succeed, it must improve or develop in its various aspects.

Aspects of organizational development

A) Development in structural system / side

. To make the structure work-oriented, service-oriented, simple and fast,

. To restructure scientific, rational and practical organizational units,

. Strengthening the control and coordination system

B) Policy reforms

. Timely amendments to policies, rules and laws,

. Improving goals, objectives and strategies as time demands,

. Adoption of new management concepts,

C) Development in the work process

. To make decentralized and accountable

. Simplification of procedures and enhancement of effectiveness

. Adopt objective, participatory and transparent process

D) Improving behavior, culture and relationships

. Development of a functional, service-oriented fast culture

. Institutional coordination and strengthening of personal relationships

. Improving relations and cooperation with citizens, society and other stakeholders

E) Development in resource management

. Human resource development and efficient management

. Maximum mobilization of financial and other resources

. Development and acquisition of technology

It seems that the organization can easily achieve its goals and objectives if it can make positive changes in the above mentioned aspects as well as in economic, social and political aspects as per the times and aspirations of the people.


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