Introduce public hearings and clarify the legal system of Nepal in this regard and point out its importance in good governance friendly development and service delivery.

An open question-and-answer discussion in a public place on a matter of public interest between public officials, stakeholders and the general public is called a public hearing.
A public hearing is a public hearing organized by a public body to inform the service recipients and stakeholders, listen to their queries or complaints and respond responsibly.
Public hearing is a democratic way in which service providers are publicly accountable to their clients.
This creates the basis for the officials of public bodies to perform their assigned duties and responsibilities in an achievable manner.
Nepal's legal system regarding public hearings.                                                              1. Article 30 of the Good Governance (Management and Operations) Act, 2064 provides for public hearing as follows:
  • The head of the office that provides services to the public at the state, district or local level should conduct a public hearing to make the work of the office he is in office clean, transparent and objective and to address the legal concerns of the public and stakeholders.
  • Experts, stakeholders, civil society representatives and local body officials should be invited during the public hearing.
  • It is not necessary to hold a public hearing on the issue to be decided in a judicial manner.
2. Provisions in the Good Governance (Management and Operation) Rules, 2065 (Rule 19):
  • During the public hearing, the procedure as per schedule 3 should be followed,
  • Public hearings must be held at least once every four months,
  • During the public hearing, there are major provisions such as the need to inform the client of the efforts made by the office to fulfill the commitments made to the client.
3. Article 78 of the Local Government Operation Act, 2074 BS provides for public hearing, public examination and social examination.
4. The National Monitoring and Evaluation Directive, 2075, has defined the procedure for public hearing.

Its importance in good governance friendly development and service delivery
Its role in good governance-friendly development and service delivery by making the work of public bodies clean, transparent and objective is as follows:
  • To promote governmental openness and the right to information,
  • To promote public orientation and accountability in service delivery, as service providers and service recipients will gather in one place to answer questions and listen.
  • To increase civic empowerment and participation,
  • Citizens-friendly sensitivities will be enhanced as direct explanations will have to be given to the concerned citizens, media and community representatives.
  • To develop a culture of honest and purposeful use of the rule of law,
  • Problems such as corruption, irregularities, wasteful spending and delays are being brought under control along with civic vigilance.
If the importance of the above-mentioned public hearings can be effectively adopted, good governance-friendly development and service delivery in public bodies can be assimilated.


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