Simple Machine

Simple machines are the devices, which are simple in construction and help to do our work easier and faster. Eg. Brooms, shovels, spanners, nail-cutters etc.
Some terms related to simple machines

Mechanical advantage (MA)
It is the ratio of  a load to an effort applied in a simple machine. i.e.
     MA = load/ effort
Velocity ratio(VR)
It is the ratio of an effort distance to the load distance. i.e.
    VR = effort distance/load distance
Both MA and VR has no unit because they are the ratio of two same physical quantities.
 It is the ratio of output work and input work expressed in percentage. i.e.
efficiency=(work output/work input)x 100%

If the efficiency of a simple machine is 70%, it means that only 70% of our effort is converted into useful work and 30% of our applied effort is wasted to overcome the friction and gravitational force.
Relation between MA, VR and efficiency

It is a rigid bar or rod which consists of load, effort and fulcrum. One the basis of the position of a fulcrum, they are classified as,
a). First class lever
The lever in which fulcrm lies between the load and the effort is called the first class lever. eg. Crowbar, see- saw, dhiki, scissors, beambalance etc.
b). Second class lever
The lever in which load lies between the effort and fulcrum is called the second class lever. eg. Wheelbarrow, nutcrackers, bottle opener etc.
c). Third class lever
The lever in which the effort lies between the load and fulcrum is called the third class lever. eg. Shovel, broom, spoon etc.

Principle of a simple machine or lever
It states that in a balanced condition, work done on the machine is equal to the work done by the machine. i.e.
Work input = work output
         E x ED = L x LD


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