Inertia and momentum

The property of a body due to which it remains or tends to remains in the original state of rest or uniform motion on a straight line unless an external force acts on it is called inertia. Inertia is directly proportinal to the mass. This means that a heavier body possesses more inertia than a lighter one. There are three types of inertia. They are
i. Inertia of rest   ii. Inertia of motion
iii. Inertia of direction

Inertia of rest
It is the property of a body by virtue of which it remains or tends to remain in the state of rest unless external forces act on it. Some examples of inertia of rest are as follows:
1. when we stand or sit loosely on a bus and the bus suddenly starts to move, we jerk backwards on the bus.
2. When a blanket is given a sudden jerk, the dust particles fall off.

Inertia of motion
It is the property of a body by which it remains or tends to remain in the state of uniform motion in a straight line unless external forces act on it. Some examples of inertia of motion are as follows:
1. A passenger sitting in a moving bus jerks gorward when the bus stops suddenly.
2. An athlete runs for some distance before taking a long jump.

Inertia of direction
It is the property of a body by virtue of which it maintains or tends to maintain its direction of motion unless external forces act on
1. When a running bus suddenly takes a turn, the passengers experience a jerk in the outward direction.

Momentum is defined as the product of mass and velocity of a moving body. Mathematically,
     Momentum = mass x velocity
          i.e.       p   = m x v
The SI unit of momentum is kgm/s. It is a vector quantity. Direction of momentum is the same as velocity.


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