
Showing posts from April, 2020

Effect of corona in Nepal

Corona virus disease(COVID-19) was first seen on 31 december 2019 in Wuhan city of China. Now it was spread all over the world along with United state. Now it becomes pandemic all over the world. There is no specific medicine for the treatment of COVID-19 in the world. The first case of COVID-19 pandemic, in Nepal was reported on 24 january 2020 in kathmandu. Due to the corona virus disease most of the country in the world are in lock down state. The Nepal government announces the lockdown from 24 march 2020. Due to the lock down to prevent the spread of corona virus disease, all the economic activities are halted in Nepal. This situation affect in all sector of the economy. This COVID-19 affect our visit year 2020 also. Most of the industry were stoped. All the educational institutions are closed. The manufacturing company and industry also closed due to the lack of labor and raw materials. Nepal is highly dependent on remittance. One third of total GDP is covered by the remittance.